Les positions possibles lors des relations sexuelles sont illustrées au moyen de photographies qui s’abstiennent délibérément de tout montrer.
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Les positions possibles lors des relations sexuelles sont illustrées au moyen de photographies qui s’abstiennent délibérément de tout montrer.
(… ) La suite »The aim of this book is to provide essential reference material for people working in the fiels of HIV and learning disability. For this reason it has a clear practise bias, drawing on the experience of successful services and practitioners already working in the fiels in innovative ways. Best practice does not exist in a vacuum however, therfore some chapters include analyses of relevant management and organisation issues. By provinding an assessment of competence in responding to HIV in lea (… ) La suite »
While HIV spreads among people with severe mental illness for the same reasons it does in the general population, there are specific ways in which mental illness is associated with elevated HIV risk. Every mental health institution or program has to deal with the consequences of increased HIV rates, but until now there has been no single book that could tell them how to do so. AIDS and People with Severe Mental Illness covers the entire range of information essential for those who whork with (… ) La suite »
Practice Issues in Sexuality and Learning Disabilities explores the sexual behaviour of people with learning difficulties and addresses issues of concern such as sexual abuse, HIV and AIDS, service provision for those from ethnic minorities, the development of policy guidelines and the implementation of such guidelines in this intensely personal area. Ann Craft draws upon professional expertise from a broad range of backgrounds including social work, psychology, and medicine. She offers pract (… ) La suite »
Lancé par le comité éthique de l'UNAPEI et des médecins, le débat sur la stérilisation des femmes handicapées mentales apparaît sur la scène publique à la suite des avis (avril 1996) du Comité consultatif national d'éthique pour les sciences de la vie et de la santé. Relancé dans les médias en été 1997 par le scandale des stérilisations en Suède et la rév& (… ) La suite »